This Is The Dream
by Diane Z.
Shore and Jessica Alexander
Illustrated by James Ransome

With colorful, striking
images and words, THIS IS THE DREAM
tells the story of the Civil Rights Movement and the power of
nonviolent change that moved America from a country of enforced
segregation to integration. In simple yet powerful words and
an excellent resource for teaching this period of history to younger
children. Beginning with a quote from Martin Luther King. Jr., THIS IS THE DREAM details the
atmosphere and historic events of the Civil Rights Movement from the
segregated water fountains, buses, libraries and classrooms to those
courageous acts of the school children entering a non-segregated
school, the acts of resistance at lunch counters and on buses, and the
marches against segregation. THIS
IS THE DREAM concludes with a patriotic look at the results of
the Civil Rights Movement in making America a land for all where all
citizens can participate together. Both images and words present themes
of courage and non-violence, even in the face of discrimination.
Collages, often photographic montages, from actual real
historical moments headline each individual illustration.
Vibrant, patriotic and powerful, the imagery of each illustration
conveys the story of the Civil Rights Movement in a way only imagery
can. One sees the disparity and inequality in the two classrooms
under the separate but equal doctrine. One feels the courage of
the school children who first attended an integrated school under armed
guard. In one illustration, a white man is part of
the resistance at a lunch counter. Towards the end,
one feels the
courtesy of waiting in line and the joy of friendship across racial
barriars in an integrated America.
Because the images are so very powerful, the use of the Confederate
flag in two of the illustrations in this short book seemed a bit odd
given the overall message of the book. Yes, the Confederate flag
is a symbol of the South, and the South was key in both some of the
worst civil rights abuses as well as the key civil rights
successes. THIS IS THE DREAM
simplifies the story of Civil Rights without lessening the power of the
story. For this very reason, I find the use of the Confederate
flag slightly troubling. While historically accurate in many
ways, its use also limits the need for and power of the Civil Rights
movement to one region of the country when, in fact, racism affected
whole country during this time period. The Civil Rights Movement was
not just a movement which changed the South but rather all of America
as authors and illustrator are so careful to show at the end.
This one tiny observation does not negate the beauty of this
book. I have, therefore, given a high number rating to the
book. Perhaps as someone who had family in both North and South
during this time, I am more keyed to notice regional portrayals and
stereotypes particularly during the this time of history.
Perhaps the use of the Confederate flag as well as the white activist
sitting at the lunch counter would be the starting point for
stimulating discussion about the scope of the historic movement and
stereotypes in general ? THIS IS THE DREAM would be an wonderful
resource for discussion in the class or outside.
is an excellent resource for teaching the Civil Rights Movement to
young children. Both images and words boil down the key messages
into easily understandable yet strong values. THIS IS THE DREAM is a book that
will leave readers with a feeling of the strength of possibility.
teaches history not by shaming but rather by leaving its audience with
a sense of hope, pride and patriotism. The writer and illustrator
both reach the intellect and heart of their readers by highlighting the
American core values of justness and fairness. An excellent
resource for teaching American history to young children! Very
highly recommended!
Publisher: Amistad (December 22, 2009)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews