Book Reviews |
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
The Night Eternal

by Guillermo del
Toro and Chuck Hogan
NIGHT ETERNAL is the third book in a series and so this review may
contain spoilers for the first two books**
Humanity appears to be losing the war to the vampires. Dr. Eph
Goodweather, Dr. Nora Martinez, and Vasiliy Fet haven’t given up hope…
although it’s quickly fading for Eph. His ex-wife, Kelly, has been
turned and his son, Zack, is missing. What does the Master want with
THE NIGHT ETERNAL is darker in tone than the first two books, THE
STRAIN and THE FALL. We have followed the journeys of Eph, Nora, Fet,
and Zack and things are now at their most crucial point. One of their
inner circle, Professor Abraham Setrakian, has been lost (see THE FALL
for details on his death) while Eph is slipping into a drug-induced
haze. Tensions are rising between the characters and the authors have
the reader wondering… just how will it all end?
THE NIGHT ETERNAL is not a stand alone story as the relationships and
events have been building over the course of the first two books.
Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan have crafted characters we have
grown to care about even as they are placed in the most horrific of
circumstances. I like the fact that the characters aren’t all perfect
heroes, but instead have flaws and make mistakes. It adds a sense of
realism, even in the midst of vampires and the revelations about the
vampire beginnings.
THE NIGHT ETERNAL is a phenomenal conclusion to The Strain Trilogy!
Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan breathe new life into the horror
genre with this apocalyptic thriller. Superb!
Publisher: William
(October 2011)
Other books in series:
by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews