

Dirham copper coin showing Saladin,
Mayyafariqin (Silvan/Turkey), 1189-1190 AD

13th century depiction of Siege of Nicaea. Crusaders Throwing Heads Of
Muslims Over Ramparts
"Histoire d'Outre Mer" Guillaume de Tyr.

The first headquarters of the Knights Templar, Al Aqsa Mosque, on Jerusalem's Temple
Mount. The Crusaders called it the Temple of Solomon, as it was built
on top of the ruins of the original Temple, and it was from this
location that the Knights took their name of Templar.
Photo credit: Barbara Kabel
From Medieval Book Reviews
The Templar Knight

by Jan Guillou

Exquisite installment in medieval heroic
Now exiled to the Holy
Land for his illicit love, Arn Magnusson has risen in the ranks of the
Knights Templar. Known as Al-Ghouti among the Saracens, Arn's
reputation precedes him. On both sides, Arn's reputation of
strength in battle, intellect and heart gives him standing not only
among his own men, but also those of his enemy. In
1177, a momentary truce and a chance encounter with Saladin bring sworn
enemies together in ways that will forever change the course of events
and Arn's life. Arn serves as the the master of the Gaza
fortress. As a Knight's Templar, his duty is more important than
his life. More important than Gaza is his duty to protect those
closer to Jerusalem and slow down Saladin's march forward.
Separated from Cecilia, the woman he loves by twenty years of time and
miles of distance, his one hope is to fulfill his sentence of
exile. Cecilia lives out her sentence at a convent back
home. While the Crusades rage on overseas, another battle, a war
between clans, rages within the monastic walls. Mother Rikissa
uses her position to isolate and punish Cecila, but Cecilia might just
have a few plans of her own in the making. As Cecilia uncovers
the threads of intrigue that led to her exile, she is more determined
than ever to right past wrongs. Living separately, Arn and
Cecilia both carry each other in their hearts. Will they survive
their exile and twenty years of exile to be together?
In the second book the Crusades trilogy, Jan Guillou skips over Arn's
rise within the Templar order. The novel begins with a dramatic
opening of Saladin and Arn's chance encounter told from Saladin's point
of view, a point of view that sets the tone for the rest of the
book. Arn and Saladin discuss philosophy and religion. Arn
is a man deeply devoted to his religion and his cause, yet he also
knows the Koran and the other side. Rather than demonizing the
enemy, he has a keen sense of understanding and respect for his
opponent. Although the author's controversial biography clearly
indicates a political bias, in this novel, the author accomplishes what
so few can do with such a controversial medieval topic as the
Crusades. He develops both sides of the divide with a wonderful
richness and depth without resorting to the kinds of simplistic
caricature often seen. Both men are devout. Both men have
an honest depth in their religious devotion and their religious
commitment. Both men have a profound sense of honor. In
contrast to these men, the more fanatical of both groups are seen for
their failings, either their senselessness, unthinking bravado, or
their corruption. Indeed, the battle scenes are all the more rich
and exciting on account of the author's development of the characters
and their strategies. A sense of the tragic builds throughout the
novel as fate brings these two men together in a war that pits them
against one another, keeping a reader on the edge of his/her seat.
Cecilia's story alternates with Arn's adventures. Mother
Rikissa is simply wicked, making a wonderful villain and contrast to
those characters whose devotion is genuine. Those unfamiliar with
the medieval world may find some of her tactics shocking but to those
familiar with some of the period's extremes, her character brings a
sense of authenticity as well as dramatic suspense to the story.
Cecilia's friendships with other scapegoats in the convent reveal her
generosity, her ingenuity, and her daring of character. Cecilia's
battle against Mother Rikissa is just as suspenseful as Arn's.
One reinforces the other. Like Arn, now Cecilia moves from a
place of innocence and naivete to that of a more mature and
accomplished woman.
THE TEMPLAR KNIGHT is an exquisite installment in this medieval epic
heroic trilogy. Again, Jan Guillou incorporates the
history of
the time with the literary themes of arms, religion and romance so
loved by medieval literature enthusiasts. Lovable
characters become even more lovable. The second installment
develops the details of the plotting behind Arn and Cecilia's
separation. Whereas the first book, THE ROAD TO JERUSALEM,
focused on Arn's youth and innocence, here in THE TEMPLAR KNIGHT,
readers see the hero as a mature man in the midst of his
accomplishments. Although each book can be read as a stand alone,
I highly recommend reading both books together. Although
different in tone, together, these two books build the sweeping epic
tone of trilogy. One book is not just a rehash of the
other. The emotional tone of each varies, the hero' and heroine's
age and vision change, and history itself moves forward. Once
again, the translator has done an excellent job rendering this story
into flowing English and expertly handling the dramatic changes in
point of view. Medievalist or not, if you love tales
of arms, religion and romance, this trilogy is not to be missed. If,
like me, you love all things medieval, THE TEMPLAR KNIGHT and its
predecessor THE ROAD TO JERUSALEM, are absolute must reads.
OUTSTANDING! This reader eagerly awaits the too far off final
Publisher: Harper
(May 4, 2010)
Other books in The Crusades trilogy: The Road to Jerusalem (April
2009), The Kingdom
at the End of the Road (summer 2011)
Translator: Steven T. Murray
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Medieval Book Reviews
