Book Reviews |

Facial expression
of fear from Charles Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and

Satan as depicted
in the Ninth Circle of Hell in Dante Alighieri's Inferno, illustrated
by Gustave Doré.
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
The Skull Ring
by Scott Nicholson
The alphabet blocks should have been harmless, but for
Julia Stone they are reminders of a past she desperately fears. Her
memories of her childhood remain shrouded in mystery, haunting her
every move as she senses “the creep” is still out there. But is it only
her imagination when strange things begin occurring around her new home
in Elkwood, North Carolina? She turns to her therapist, Dr. Pamela
Forrest for help as she is terrified she is going insane. Meanwhile,
her fiancé, Mitchell Austin, and her handyman, Walter Triplett,
seem on hand to help at every turn. Do they truly have her best
interests at heart? Will Julia conquer her past or descend into madness?
THE SKULL RING delves deeply into the hysteria over repressed memories
and Satanism. Scott Nicholson ramps up the fear level by giving readers
a main character whose own perspective is untrustworthy. Julia Stone
fears that what she sees and hears is in her own head, while at the
same time she sees her own version of the boogeyman in every shadow.
Add to this an eerie atmosphere with visions of hooded figures,
chanting, and an usual skull ring, and Julia’s world is one that will
keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Scott Nicholson does a magnificent job with character development,
particularly with Julia. Julia’s fears permeate the pages and it was
all I could do to not peek at the end to see whether the strange events
were true or figments of her imagination. Julia’s panic attacks are
described quite vividly, heightening the tension while giving the
reader insight into her personality.
THE SKULL RING is a thrilling, often unnerving tale of suspense and
horror that is sure to keep readers awake well into the night. Be
forewarned as this is not the sort of tale you want to start just
before bedtime as it’s practically impossible to put THE SKULL RING
down. Bravo!
Publisher: Haunted Computer Productions (March
Debbie Wiley Book Reviews