Provenance (Rogue Angel)
by Alex Archer

Action, philosophy and an ancient relic
Automatic rifle fire
interrupts all the fancy events in the ballroom where Annja Creed and
the mysterious Garin are attending the gala event. Garin, a man who has
lived through centuries of human conflict casts an eye of suspicion
towards the responsibility of the self-proclaimed terrorists, the
People's Revolutionaries. When Annja finally escapes this event and the
media attention, the tranquility of her living room comes to an abrupt
end when the skylight above her shatters and her home is now the site
of a commando-type raid. When she later returns to her home to find all
visible traces of the previous attack now invisible, a creepy feeling
remains. Cedric Milhouse telephones apologizing for the inconvenience
of the attack and offers her a job to look into the disappearance of a
holy relic. Although a background investigation into Cedric Milhouse
poses more questions than answers, archeologist Annja Creed cannot
resist exploring the mystery of a relic of possible archeological
significance. Her investigation uncovers a n ancient religious sect,
the Knights of the Risen Savior, a band of pirates in the South China
Sea and the Sultan Wira of Rimba Perak, a man trying to prevent his
country from being beholden to and influenced by the Sword of Faith.
With rival parties wanting the relic along with its mysterious powers,
a choice must be made --- not only as to who deserves ownership of the
relic but also whether the mere presence of the relic would unleash a
catastrophic effect on humanity by unleashing Armageddon.
Packed with action and intrigue, PROVENANCE
is one fast read! Alex Archer sets up an intriguing mix of characters
all set on possessing the sacred relic. Annja Creed's archeological
background allows her more distance and appreciation for the relic
perhaps from the disparate parties set on possessing it for their own
ends. The presence of Garin, a man who has lived through centuries and
the inclusion of his perspective on the terrorist attack provides an
introduction to the philosophical questions posed in this book. In one
brief moment, Garin tells Annja that there is always a choice, an idea
that PROVENANCE develops
throughout this novel. What is good and what is evil? Does the end
justify the means?
Alex Archer creates an unusual mix of action and philosophy in PROVENANCE by detailing questions
originating from today's political environment. PROVENANCE highlights the excesses
and fanaticism that sometimes goes along with politics, religion and
all things in life. The political philosophy in later references
focuses on 9/11, security measures instituted by the Patriot Act, and
sanctioned torture. By focusing on ideas and not mentioning specific
personalities, the author adds to the philosophical nature of his
questions. Nevertheless, politics are often so divisive that this book
may not appeal to readers on certain places of the political spectrum.
Additionally, readers who see the world, both politics and religion, in
more black and white, right or wrong terms may prefer other books in
this series. A look at the other far side of the political spectrum
might have strengthened the message.
While PROVENANCE is packed
with action and intriguing characters, Alex Archer does not develop the
depth of character seen in previous ROGUE
ANGEL books. Annja Creed is both sexualized and feminized more
in this novel and the author's focus on her weight and thinness seems
out of place, especially in conjunction to the action scenes
surrounding this section. A romantic involvement with the Sultan added
a dimension to her character without the same kind of sexualization.
Oddly enough, in the one place a reader might expect more feminization,
Annja's intelligence and cunning receive more attention.
Immediately upon finishing this book, I felt disappointed that the
author did not develop the relic itself more with descriptions to
detail its mystery and significance. Once I stood back a moment from
the last page, the author's description of the relic seemed all the
more brilliant because the relic as it was written fit so perfectly in
with the philosophical questions of the book. PROVENANCE was a good read but more
attention to characterization without sacrificing the action and
philosophical elements of this book would have made this ROGUE ANGEL a great read. In
general, ROGUE ANGEL is a
series that appeals to both men and women readers. The action emphasis
over characterization and some peculiarities in Annja's character may
indicate that the author approached this particular book with more of
an eye to the male fans. Nevertheless, PROVENANCE makes for quite a
pleasant and thought-provoking quick read for ROGUE ANGEL fans!
Publisher: Gold Eagle (March 2008)
Series: Rogue Angel