

Machiavelli (1469 – 1527): Italian philosopher, writer, and
politician and one of the main founders of modern political science.
The Prince is a manual to acquiring and
keeping political power and machiavellian has become synonmous with the
use of cunning and deceit in politics or other arenas.

In Greek mythology Phoebe was traditionally
associated with the moon
Photo credit: Luc Viatour |

Alahambra, considered on of the best examples of surviving Morrish

Mihrab of the
Mezquita, Cordoba, Spain,
another example of
existing Moorish architecture
From Merrimon Book Reviews
Once and Future Prince
by Olivia Gates

An exciting new romance voice takes it to the next level!
The Mediterranean
kingdom of Castaldini has a unique flavor, not only in the mixing of
Italian and Moorish culture but even more so for the stringent rules
governing the line of succession. Each king must satisfy the
royal council of the reigning king and prove himself worthy in virtue,
health, parentage, character and the success he has earned of his own
merit. Although these rules all sound noble to the outsider, the
founding ruler created a hotbed of competition within the men vying to
become king. All his life, Prince Leandro D'Agostino fought to
prove himself worthy but when his thoughts and actions scandalized the
kingdom, the ruling party had no choice but to banish this
renegade. Now, King Benedetto faces the same dilemma as the
founder of the empire. He can no longer delay choosing a
successor. He sends Phoebe Alexander on a mission to bring
Leandro back. Once Leandro's lover, Phoebe refused to leave with
when he left the kingdom. Now, she must find a way to seduce him
into returning to the kingdom
that exiled him. Leandro decides to turn the tables on Phoebe and
the king, refusing to return unless Phoebe herself bows to his
command. Phoebe knows she can never be his queen. Leandro
certainly made that evident years before. With the passions
reignited between Phoebe and Leandro, can love find a way of breaking
through the past betayals?
As the first book in the Castaldini Crown trilogy, THE ONCE AND FUTURE PRINCE sets the
stage for the series with the creation of a fascinating legendary
country that struggles between the ancient customs and the increased
pressures of modernity. Olivia Gates makes the country an integral
part of the romance, not only in the beautiful sensuous landscape but
also the country and its legendary history reveals the depth within her
characters. The hero Leandro is just as
intense and wonderful as the readers encountered in her previous Throne
of Judar series and yet, in her new series, Olivia Gates gives readers
a hero with a unique flair. Powerful, emotional, successful, Leandro is
the rebel of the family. He is not about to surrender for the
sake of making peace when he knows he is right. Although guided
by his values, Leandro is not moderate in his passion, not for the
woman or the country he loves. Just how far will he go to win
back the love of Phoebe? Amid the intensity of
the hero, Olivia Gates gives amazing insights into the
heroine's character, particularly the changes within her. At first,
Leandro seems to be the focus of this romance, but Phoebe's story
motivates the key moments in this romance. She is the force
within the romance. Sometimes one mere sentence marks the
transformation within her but that one sentence, that one step, reveals
so much about her character. Phoebe's development is the jewel
within the main narrative.
Part fairy tale, part archetypal, the notion of
a good king creates the backdrop against which Leandro must struggle as
rebellious prince, particularly as politics, family and love create a
conflict deep within the hero. In the creation of the Castaldini
kingdom, Olivia Gates creates a unique flavor by integrating some of
the best aspects of historical romance genre in the creation of her
kingdom and yet she adds an exciting contemporary twist to her romances
as the kingdom and its royal family struggle to combine tradition with
modern life. As a relatively new but distinct romance voice,
Gates has a powerful vision to bring together readers from various
subgenres with her passionate characters and fascinating exotic
Olivia Gates just has some of the best one-liners.
And some
wonderful insults! Sometimes I wish I could memorize them to pull out
in times of dealing with some of the occasional jerks one encounters in
life! Throughout the romance in dialogue and otherwise, the language is
at once very classic and innovative, poetic and delightfully
descriptive. My main feeling after reading this many
more days until I
can read the next one? In ONCE
AND THE FUTURE PRINCE, Olivia Gates writes a romance that will
jolt a romance reader out of a reading slump. Passionate, poetic,
and packed full of tension, THE ONCE AND FUTURE PRINCE is one
powerful romance.
Publisher: Silhouette
Desire (May 2009)
Series: The Castaldini Crown
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
