Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

Hebrew script, from Iraq, 11th century.
Genesis 6 refers to the sons of God and the daughters of men, often referred to as Nephilim

The seven archangels of Orthodox Christian tradition

Demon painting by Michail Alexandrowitsch Wrubel (1890)
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
by Liam Jackson

Violent crime has escalated and police are baffled by the sharp increase in child abductions.  A battle is taking place, but it’s a spiritual battle….

Sam Conner is on the run.  Someone, or something, has been stalking him and all he initially knows is that the voice in his head tells him that the Eye of God, or the Veil, needs to be closed.  Sam isn’t crazy but rather is one of a select group of humans who have supernatural bloodlines.  A devious plan is afoot by none other than Lucifer (known as the Runner) and only Sam and those of the OFFSPRING can stop him.

Sam is not the only character on a quest, though.  Various characters pepper the storyline as all are headed for the battle, located in the inauspicious town of Abbotsville, Tennessee.  All will be tested as the conflict ahead is a brutal one and one that could cost them everything.

Liam Jackson combines various beliefs about angels and demons to create an apocalyptic tale of stunning proportions.  OFFSPRING sets off at a fast pace and continues relentlessly until the startling conclusion.  The various hierarchies are fully explained and the author provides both a listing of the types of angels as well as a glossary to avoid any confusion.

Good and evil are common themes in literature but OFFSPRING shows a more fallible side of human nature as the heroes are flawed in some way.  No one here is a saint as there are definite shades of gray in almost all of the characters.  This goes hand in hand with the overall concept of free will that permeates the entire storyline.  Everyone has a choice in OFFSPRING and it is their choices that determine their destiny.

OFFSPRING is an intriguing foray into the world of angels and demons.  Liam Jackson draws his theology from both conventional thought as well as more obscure beliefs.  Readers familiar with the pseudepidgraphic Book of Enoch will recognize direct references to it.  OFFSPRING is an exciting start to what looks to be a promising series!

Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks (Reprint edition August 2008)

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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