From Merrimon Book Reviews
The Musician's Daughter

by Susanne Dunlap

and murder
in 18th century Vienna: a daughter's perspective
Fifteen year old Theresa Maria
Schurman awakens from a nightmare relieved yet, the reality that faces
her is much worse --- three unknown hooded men have brought a large
sack into their home. Her father lies dead on the floor.Torn apart by
grief and and the need to protect her unborn child, Theresa Maria's
mother seems unable to provide the reassurances or financial needs
caused by her sudden widowhood. When Theresa Maria realizes that her
father's violin is missing, the very violin that might ease the
financial pressures, she sets out to find the violin and solve the
increasingly mysterious circumstances surrounding her father's death.
Hired by Haydn as violinist to Prince Nicholas Esterhazy's court and a
man for whom music was his life, her father never would have left his
violin behind. Theresa Maria's quest for clues takes her to the courts
of Vienna's family, to gypsy camps and other aspects of 18th century
Vienna and Austrian society where danger, blackmail, friendships and
even family are not all that they seem on the surface.
Susanne Dunlap's THE MUSICIAN'S
DAUGHTER combines history, music and mystery in a young adult
historical novel that will grab readers from start to finish. Told
through the eyes of the musician's young daughter, THE MUSICIAN'S DAUGHTER takes the
reader right into the immediacy of the mystery and the historical
setting with a freshness and vibrancy that will appeal to modern young
readers. Maria Theresa is intelligent, courageous and imbued with a
sense of honor and compassion for others that allows her to see below
the surface. Friendship outside her immediate circle, the hint of a
first love, a growing devotion to music all add a rich dimension to her
character. Susanne Dunlop gives readers a wonderful insight into the
musical background of this novel, not only in the historical details
but also in Maria's descriptions of the instruments and sounds of the
music itself. The mystery itself intrigues as several exciting twists
and turns lead to a dramatic encounter in which Theresa Maria herself
meets new challenges that test her and all that she has learned from
her father. As Maria Theresa's journey for clues takes her on a journey
through the lavish royal courts and the not so rich gypsy camps, she
also comes to know her father better and indeed herself. As Maria
Theresa journeys outward in an intriguing look at society, she also
looks inward and discovers her own self in a tale that moves the
reader's emotions. THE MUSICIAN'S
DAUGHTER is a beautiful, moving growing of age tale of one 18th
century girl who will steal the hearts of young adults and a few adults
(myself included) as well!
Publisher: Bloomsbury
USA Children's Books (December 2008)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
Review Courtesy of Amazon Vine
