




South Vietnamese
refugees walk across a U.S. Navy vessel. Operation Frequent Wind, the
final operation in Saigon, began April 29, 1975. During a nearly
constant barrage of explosions, the Marines loaded American and
Vietnamese civilians, who feared for their lives, onto helicopters that
brought them to waiting aircraft carriers. The Navy vessels brought
them to the Philippines and eventually to Camp Pendleton, Calif.
From Merrimon Book Reviews
The Lotus Eaters
by Tatjana Soli

several responses depending on one's point of
The death of her brother haunts Helen
Adams. Taking an instamatic camera with her, she journeys to
Vietnam determined to photograph the war. From an initial
viewpoint of innocence and naivete, Helen becomes drawn into the drama
of the war and the lives of the soldiers and the Vietnamese
people. Like the lotus eaters in Homer's Odyssey, the war
intoxicates Helen, compelling her towards it despite its horrors.
Anxious to make herself accepted by the men photojournalists, Helen
must prove her toughness. She develops close relationships with
Sam Darrow, famed and experienced war photographer and Linh, a
Vietnamese photographer and assistant. Begininng with a powerful
account of the fall of Saigon, Helen looks back on Vietnam and the two
Tajana Soli's THE LOTUS EATERS is a novel that will provoke several
responses depending on one's point of entry. For those readers
who lived through the times, The LOTUS EATERS recalls the period with
its conflicting emotions without becoming a pawn for current political
motivations. Tatjana Soli does not simplify or idealize the war,
nor does she make Helen's story a pretense for anti-war
sentiments. To readers who lived through the period, Tatjana Soli
does an excellent job of evoking the internal confusion and conflicts
that unfold. Although the author's bibliography and notes give
the reader an idea of the research that underpins the novel, historical
fiction lovers might find themselves craving more history within the
story. For readers whose young memories of the period are vivid
yet ungrounded by being too young to truly grasp the actual events
unfolding on the news, THE LOTUS EATERS does a better job at evoking
the feel of the period than the history. Readers who approach the
book from the point of view of photography and the extensive study in
Vietnam photojournalism as I did might find themselves overly troubled
by a couple of inaccurately described details that jolt one out of the
story and the ability to believe in Helen's character. Leaving
those moments aside, at times, Tatjana Soli captures perfectly the
spirit of the photographers and their drive and yet I found myself
wanting more of a visual emphasis in the narrative given Helen's
job. As a whole, the
reader does see the development in Helen from a naive inexperienced
photographer to a photojournalist through the space of the
narrative. Several
moments provide a keen sense of the visual, such as Helen's sense of
location from the helicopter views, yet as a whole the narrative lacks
the desired emphasis and continuity of visual perspective.
Like the conflicts of war, Tatjana Soli's portraits disturb.
Helen's relationship with Darrow feels destructive and yet her feelings
for him draw her to him much like the compulsion of the lotus
eaters. At times, I felt repelled by Helen's overwhelming
attachment to Darrow, wanting to see more of Helen as an individual in
her own right rather than Helen as attached and focused on Darrow.
Certainly, Helen and Darrow's relationship is not the idealized war
romance! Perhaps the power in the writing is in the author's
ability to provoke such strong emotions, positive and negative, in her
portrayal of relationship dynamics. Several key moments in
Helen's relationships with Darrow and Linh crystallize the scene and
the emotion with a poetical precision. Despite some missed
potential in some of the details, THE LOTUS EATERS clearly shows a
powerful author in the making.
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
(March 30, 2010)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
Courtesy of Amazon
