From Medieval Book Reviews
The Legend of the King

by Gerald Morris

Arthurian retelling for all ages
In the tenth and final
book of The
Squire's Tales, Gerald Morris recounts the familiar story of the end of
King Arthur's kingdom. As in the original source material,
Mordred's treachery and the adultery of Guinevere lead the kingdom into
a crisis which becomes the downfall of the kingdom itself. Gerald
Morris brilliantly brings forth the Arthurian stories to a new
generation of younger readers and THE LEGEND OF THE KING is no
exception. Gerald Morris remains faithful to the medieval source
material while also using his imagination to explore the timeless story
with vivid details that bring the story alive in new ways. Squire
Terence, now a knight, becomes the witness of the the Arthurian
world. Through Terence eyes, readers view the Arthurian world
with a new perspective, a perspective filled with humor, practicality
and a sense of honor that comes from the fellowship rather than
fossilized, formal chivalric codes. Gerald Morris brings the
Arthurian world alive with an active vibrancy. Although set in a
historic time far away, the issues that face the characters are dynamic
and relevant.
Darker than previous books in the series, Gerald Morris balances the
bleakness of the end of the story with the humor that precedes the
unraveling of the end, an opening left in the other world, a focus on
friendship and honor in the midst of mistakes and finally with an
opening to the gift of stories themselves to those that come
after. Indeed, in returning to the story itself, Gerald Morris
pays an awesome tribute to the timelessness of the Arthurian story, a
story retold throughout generations, a tradition to which The Squire's
Tale itself rightfully and brilliantly belongs.
Although THE LEGEND OF THE KING and the series are marketed for young
readers, THE LEGEND OF THE KING should be marketed
as a book for adults as well. Although the author's stated
purpose is to
bring the Arthurian legends to new generations, THE LEGEND OF THE KING
is also a book to be treasured by all Arthurian enthusiasts.
Whether or not you have read Malory's tale or the French Vulgate Death
of King Arthur, the romances or the epics, in the original languages or
in translation, THE LEGEND OF THE KING is an absolute must for all
medievalists. Gerald Morris's retelling of the tales expands on
familiar areas of the tales, giving more details and insights into the
characters and the events while also adding new areas for
discovery. Faithfulness to the source material alongside the
author's imaginative innovations make THE LEGEND OF THE KING truly
brilliant! THE LEGEND OF THE KING is an excellent choice for all
ages precisely because the author does not sacrifice the story for
marketing demographics. Medievalists, however, take special note
--- Gerald Morris's tales might remind you, as they did to this
reader, once again of the original power of medieval
literature. Despite centuries of retelling, the Arthurian
world comes alive anew in Gerald Morris' tales. Outstanding!
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Books for Children (September 13, 2010)
Reading Level: Ages 9-12
Series: The Squire's Tales
Previous books in the series: The Squire's Tale (1), The Squire, His
Knight and His Lady (2), The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf (3),
Parsifal's Page (4), The Ballad of Sir Dinaden (5), The Princess, The
Drone and the Dung-Cart Knight (6), The Lioness and Her Knight (7), The
Quest of the Fair Unknown (8), The Squire's Quest (9)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Medieval Book Reviews
Review Courtesy of Amazon Vine
