
Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

Three jack-o'-lanterns illuminated from within by candles.
Three jack-o'-lanterns illuminated from within by candles.

From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
The Haywire Halloween
The Haywire Halloween by Cinsearae R. Santiago
by Cinsearae R. Santiago

Jonathan loves everything about Halloween! Despite being nineteen years old, he’s all dressed up and ready to go trick or treating with his friends when he stumbles upon a skeleton key. Unfortunately, this pendant has its own demonic trick for the holiday as trick or treaters start turning into their costumes! Can Jonathan, Christine, Kim, Kurt, Kiera and the Abraxas clan put a stop to things or is Halloween about to become a never ending nightmare?

THE HAYWIRE HALLOWEEN is part of the Abraxas series but can easily be read as a stand alone. Cinsearae Santiago provides readers a tiny glimpse into her fascinating world. The horror elements are well done as the author doesn’t include gratuitous violence but rather adds an element of humor to the overall ambiance of the tale. I actually found myself giggling guiltily at a couple scenes!

THE HAYWIRE HALLOWEEN introduces readers to a plethora of characters and yet each one is distinctive and well developed. The interactions between the characters give a lot of insight into their various personalities and help set the tone for the story. Jonathan’s character in particular is one that tugs at the reader’s heart. His youthful energy and loyalty to his friends make him endearing even when his fascination with Halloween leads to such disastrous consequences. THE HAYWIRE HALLOWEEN is my first foray into the Abraxas series but it will not be my last as Cinsearae Santiago shows she can weave together one heck of a great tale!

Publisher: Lulu Press (2009)
Other books in series:   Abraxas Series

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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