
Guardian angel, by
Pietro da Cortona, 1656.
From Merrimon Book Reviews
Guardian Angel
by Andrew

Twisted romance
Sometimes the deepest dreams can
become the worst nightmares. After years of seeing her husband
Scott constantly put his job above the needs of his own family, Megan
Lester has had enough. She asks her husband for a divorce.
When her friend convinces Megan to have a night out on the town, a
pushy man won't take no for an answer, at least not until Steve Wallace
puts him in his place. Ever since that night, Steve stands by
her, ready to come to her aid. Steve watches her. He sees
her every move. To Steve, Megan is the ideal woman and he will do
anything to make her his. Will Megan realize the danger lurking
all too close?
Andrew Neiderman's GUARDIAN ANGEL is quick, fast-paced suspense that
twists the fantasy of romance into a nightmare. Andrew Neiderman shocks not with gore
but by giving a reader a psychological glimpse into everyday values
turned extreme. Andrew
Neiderman ramps up the creepiness by allowing the reader to see the
real man behind both Scott and Steve while Megan remains
oblivious to the motivations of both men. The reader knows the
score. Megan doesn't. While trying to get her life on
track, she does all the right things --- almost. She follows her
instincts --- most of the time. The advice her friend gives her
seems to be good advice, but is it?
Andrew Neiderman builds up the thrill factor, not by hiding the
identity of the villain, but rather by showing the reader step by step
his depraved vision of women. Even more creepy is the way Andrew
Neiderman almost has the reader wanting him to do good, but the problem
is the reader knows his deep-kept secret. Likewise, Megan's
natural inclinations and desires are easy to understand, except the
reader, unlike her, sees the inner pain of both men, and the twisted
lengths to which one will take his fantasies. GUARDIAN
ANGEL is much more interesting than the cheesy book cover which almost
prevented me from reading the book, except that having read the author
before, I knew I could depend on him for a suspenseful, engrossing
easy-to-read story. I was not disappointed. Unable to put
it down, I read it straight through from beginning to
end. Andrew Neiderman gives enough character
development to understand the characters but not so much as to weigh
down the story or the action. Instead, Neiderman focuses on the
key elements to maximize the chills. GUARDIAN ANGEL is a very good
choice for the suspense lover who wants a light, quick, creepy
read. Andrew Neiderman is an excellent author to choose if you
want to just relax into a book that will help you to
relax and escape into a book after work, on the beach or during a snow
Leisure Books (December 2009)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
