From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Green: The Beginning
and the End
by Ted Dekker

An apocalypse is about to occur….
The Circle is starting to crack as many of the believers are starting
to doubt Elyon’s existence. Thomas Hunter’s own son, Samuel, believes
that it is time to attack and kill the Horde and its leader, Qurong.
Thomas is adamantly opposed to Samuel’s plan but it is Chelise, his
wife, who is most affected as Qurong is her father. Meanwhile, in a
world very similar but two thousand years in the past, a man named
Billy arrives and wants a vial of Thomas’ blood. How will these two
worlds intertwine?
GREEN is written to be either the first or the last book in the Circle
series. I haven’t read the earlier Circle books so I’m unable to
evaluate as to how well the book works within the context of the series
as a whole. I suspect that if I hadn’t read the Lost Books series, I
would have been confused as to the plethora of characters and their
ties between the various worlds. Readers will also note that the story
has ties to the Paradise books. The integration of the various worlds
is intriguing and reminds me a bit of how we see shades of the Dark
Tower in various Stephen King books. It’s a concept that I enjoy but it
can be tough to jump right in and comprehend all the nuances of the
story upon the first reading. GREEN is the sort of book I will enjoy
better after reading the Circle books and seeing how it fits within the
overall world Ted Dekker has created.
GREEN is a very dark book. Evil is on the move and even followers of
Elyon are falling into its trap. It’s hard not to get swept up in the
misery facing some of the characters but Ted Dekker consistently
reminds readers of the love of the Great Romance. The parallels between
the biblical stories and GREEN are slipped in so smoothly that one can
almost miss them. Ted Dekker does a phenomenal job at showing the full
emotional impact of love as we see both the joy and the anguish it can
GREEN is a tale that asks more questions than it answers, at least if
read in the beginning of the series. A little more background
information could have made this book brilliant. However, GREEN
certainly whets my appetite for the rest of the series!
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 2009)
Other books in
series: The Circle Series
by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
of Amazon Vine