From Merrimon Book Reviews
The Fifth Servant
by Kenneth Wishnia
Historical Mystery Debut: most
intriguing texture and voice
1592, Talmudic scholar Benyamin Ben-Akiva
travels from Poland to Prague in the midst of the Inquisition.
When the body of a young Christian girl is found on the floor of a
Jewish business, the new shammes (synagogue sexton) sets as his task
the defense of the accused lest the whole Jewish community
suffer. In this age where Jews are accused of using the blood of
Christians in the making of the Passover bread, the blood libel placed
on the shopkeeper threatens the entire Jewish ghetto. With his
activities restricted by rabbinic law, Benyamin Ben-Akiva
must use his wits and knowledge of Jewish law to solve the murder
before Sunday. Can he find the clues he needs before time runs
Kenneth Wishnia's THE FIFTH SERVANT
is a clever mystery that takes the reader right into the heart of 16th
century Prague's Jewish community. Historical detail and Jewish
scholarship give the novel a sense of the period. From the
clothing markers to identify Jews to their isolation within a ghetto
and more, Kenneth Wishnia combines historical research with fictional
imagination to bring to light this period from a point of view less
frequently seen. THE
FIFTH SERVANT sheds light on the prejudices experienced by the
Jewish communities of the time and atrocities endured
during this time period. Kenneth Wishnia does an excellent job at
revealing all the strange myths and the intricate connections between
crown and pope and the laws which put the Jewish community in a unique
position during the Inquisition. In the solving of
the case, Benyamin Ben-Akiva refers to the Torah, the
Talmud, and even the Kabbalah, giving this mystery its unique
voice. A reader easily feels the respect for learning, books and
scholarly tradition in this society. Even more delightful,
Kenneth Wishnia infuses the more erudite discussions with a sense of
humor. Benyamin Ben-Akiva has the
ability to immerse himself within this tradition and yet also to see
his own community and religion with an insider's humor. Kenneth
Wishnia uses both Hebrew and Yiddish quite frequently. A very
good glossary in the back assists readers with a less extensive
background in these languages and Jewish traditions, although the
publisher would have done better to include such key terms as shammes
and shamus (policeman or private detective) in the glossary as well the
initial pages preceding the author's note. Kenneth
Wishnia divides the novel into three parts, each
representing a day in the 3-day countdown, thus emphasizing the urgency
and the restrictions on Benyamin Ben-Akiva's
ability to investigate.
SERVANT is an excellent choice for the mystery and/or historical
fiction lover who craves an entirely new voice and texture within the
genre. Intellectualism, humor and practical everyday detail
combine to create a look into the period and culture without
pedanticism. Although the interpretations of texts might seem
overly concerned with minute formalisms at times, these moments provide
delightful character and humor to the novel. Indeed, some of
these instances provide a wonderful richness to the novel and often
bridge the gap between the 16th century and the modern reader. If
you are looking for a light, easy-to-read
mystery, look elsewhere. THE
FIFTH SERVANT is a rich novel to be read slowly and savored for
each and every detail. Undoubtedly, THE FIFTH SERVANT will appeal to
those readers interested in Jewish history and time period with Kenneth
Wishnia's inclusion of real-life historical and religious figures
within the novel. In addition, Kenneth Wishnia's discussions of
textual meanings and their relevance to issues makes THE FIFTH SERVANT a delight for
readers who cherishes learning and scholarship.
While the book blurb is accurate enough, it fails to capture the rich
texture of this novel. I ordered THE FIFTH SERVANT based on the
blurb, and discovered a very different book than the one I had
imagined. While it follows neither the classic construction of
mystery or historical fiction with its examination of texts, I rather
relished this aspect of the novel the most. Indeed, THE FIFTH SERVANT is a much more
intriguing book than the one imagined based on the publisher's
description! For this reader, THE FIFTH SERVANT is much more
than a depiction of the period or a clever configuration of clues but
rather a book that will remain in my imagination due to its unique
voice. Excellent!
Publisher: William Morrow (January 26, 2010)
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
Courtesy of Amazon Vine
