Fatally Flaky

by Diane Mott Davidson

Humorous, clever culinary mystery
Meadows caterer Goldy Schultz has a wedding menu to plan but the bride
keeps changing her mind from the menu to the venue itself. Billie
Attenborough is the ultimate bridezilla. When Doc Finn, local
doctor and friend of her godfather Jack, dies, Jack feels certain that
the car accident is in fact no accident but a case of murder. When Jack
is attacked, Goldy investigates and goes undercover in the spa Doc was
investigating. Can Goldy unravel the mysterious clues before her
and those left behind by the victims?
Diane Mott Davidson's FATALLY FLAKY is a humorous culinary mystery with
several clever twists on the path to the unmasking of the killer's
identity. Several yummy recipes are included from breakfast foods
and breads to scrumptious sounding desserts to tempt any diet.
Whether it be the bride's menu or the other meals mentioned, FATALLY
FLAKY definitely stimulates the taste buds and will leave readers
hopeful to hunt down the few recipes not available for dishes mentioned
in the bride's menu. Descriptions of Aspen Meadow will bring a
smile to readers familiar with Colorado, both residents and visitors
Readers new to Diane Mott Davidson's established series can easily read
this mystery as a stand alone although the relationships between
characters may not be as clear as for those familiar with the
series. Not every character is likable but in a sense, this
reader found the variety a plus. As the beloved godfather, Jack's
entry into the scene is quick, but then again, too much development on
their relationship would have left a reader too sad at his demise,
thereby destroying the wonderful sense of humor and lightness of the
mystery. For that reason, this reader feels the author made the
connection in just the right measure --- enough to understand Goldy's
motivations for investigating but not so much for the reader to feel
grief at the murders that do occur. Diane Mott Davidson keeps the
proper balance to focus on the mystery and for this mystery lover, the
mystery itself is one of the more intriguing elements of FATALLY
FLAKY. Even though this reader felt certain she knew the
direction of some clues, several took me by pleasant surprise. FATALLY
FLAKY is a fun mystery, a bit less sweet than most cozy mysteries but
not as dark as many suspense and crime novels. FATALLY FLAKY is a
very good choice for relaxing with a puzzle to stimulate the intellect
and humor to make one smile.
Publisher: Avon, Reprint(April
13, 2010)
Other Catering Mysteries: Catering to Nobody, Dying For Chocolate, The
Cereal Murders, The Last Suppers, Killer Pancake, The Main Corpse, The
Grilling Season, Prime Cut, Tough Cookie, Sticks and Scones, Chopping
Spree, Double Shot, Dark Tort, Sweet Revenge