Debbie Wiley
Book Reviews

Illustration for John Milton’s “Paradise Lost“ by Gustave Doré, 1866.
Illustration for John Milton’s “Paradise Lost“ by Gustave Doré, 1866.

12th century icon of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai)
12th century icon of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai)

From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
The Fall of Lucifer
The Fall of Lucifer by Wendy Alec
by Wendy Alec

Angelic writings have been discovered, revealing the story of man and Lucifer through the eyes of Gabriel….

Lucifer was once revered as an archangel, one of God’s chosen.  What went wrong?  How was Hell formed? This inside story takes readers from the creation of man through the times of Noah from an unusual perspective… the story as told through the eyes of the archangels themselves.

Wendy Alec paints a portrait of Heaven in all its splendor. The descriptions are ornate, almost flamboyant… and yet one can easily imagine the sheer magnificence and feel the overwhelming awe. It’s hard not to feel a sense of wonder while reading THE FALL OF LUCIFER. The word portrait of Heaven alone is worth reading but there is so much more to the story than just beautiful imagery.

THE FALL OF LUCIFER answers the age-old question of why Lucifer would forsake the splendor of Heaven. Wendy Alec offers a portrait of the dangers of greed and envy. We see an archangel transformed from one of God’s beloved to a twisted, dark creature. Even more stunning, however, is the portrait of the Messiah. Wendy Alec’s depiction of Jesus and the reasoning behind His sacrifice is nothing short of stunning.

The theme of free will is never more evident than in THE FALL OF LUCIFER. Wendy Alec hammers home the point that all are given free will- even the archangels. Some may quibble over her biblical interpretations but one cannot contest that the story itself is a detailed and intricate account of something we know very little about. Bravo to Ms. Alec for her endeavors.

Publisher:  Realms (October 2005)
Other books in series: The Chronicles of Brothers (MESSIAH- THE FIRST JUDGEMENT is book 2)

Reviewed by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews

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