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Double Enchantment
Double Enchantment by Kathryne Kennedy
by Kathryne Kennedy

Magical, sweet, enchanting paranormal romance set in Victorian England

To protect her mother's eccentricities from being known in a society where social standing is the ultimate concern, Lady Jasmina Karlyle casts a spell but her magical powers are much greater than she imagined. Her spell is no illusion but a real person who looks exactly like her! Her double cavorts all around Victorian London, stirring up all sorts of trouble in her name. The numerous scandals are only the beginning! The stunningly handsome baronet Sterling Thorn stares at her in the most intimate way as if he knows her, and a little too intimately in her opinion, although she finds herself drawn to him despite her best attempts to block her growing attraction. Beautiful and powerful both as man and a horse, the lowly baronet is exactly the kind of man who will never gain her aristocratic father's approval. For Lady Jasmina, marriage is not an option. She must protect and care for her parents and her mother's little secret provides her with more than enough adventures and danger trying to rectify wrongs and protect their reputation. As Lady Jasmina tries to locate her missing double and discover a missing jewel rumored to be one of the Relics of Merlin, her duty pushes her right up against Sterling, a man charged with finding the lost Relics of Merlin and keeping society safe from those forces that would use these artifacts to evil ends. In a race against time, who will find the relic first or can they find a means to work together rather than at cross purposes? Working in close proximity, can they deny the growing pull towards one another? How will the proper Jasmina measure up to the sexy, provocative, and even scandalous Jaz, her double, in the eyes of the baronet Sterling? Will Lady Jasmina be able to step up for herself and her desires against the disapproval of her family and society?

The second book in The Relics of Merlin series, Kathryne Kennedy's DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT combines humor and emotion in an extraordinary tale of paranormal magic and adventure in a heartwarming fairy tale romance set in the Victorian era in a society governed by class codes built on magical standing as well as economic resources. As the scandals and danger mount, Kathryne Kennedy peers into the heart of her characters as they struggle to conduct themselves with honor while remaining true to themselves. The magical romance between Jasmina and Sterling steals the heart, page by page with each moment and revelation until the final delightful page. DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT speaks to both the little girl and the woman within ---- and brightens the mood with smile after smile! Each and every detail is exquisite. With each page, each revelation enchants the reader more and more until one realizes one is totally submerged into the world of her characters. Just when I thought I had reached the height of delight possible, Kathryne Kennedy introduces two new characters. How I adored the gnomes!!!!

Kathryne Kennedy is quite simply one of the hottest new sensations in the romance genre and DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT is on my top ten list of books read this year. Her particular blend of all that is best in romance will delight a wide range of romance readers with its cross appeal across the breadth of romance subgenres from paranormal to historical romance. From magical details, to fairy tale-like psychological richness, from tender hearts that enchant readers to humorous mischief and suspenseful fantasy adventure in a historical, magical setting, Kathryne Kennedy creates a unique exquisite flavor that makes her romance a pure delight page after page, book after book. Light-hearted, sweet and tender, DOUBLE ENCHANTMENT has just the right measure of suspenseful plot details and emotional richness to make this romance unforgettable.

Publisher: Love Spell (August 2008)
Reviewed by Merrimon, Merrimon Book Reviews
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