From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Department 19
Will Hill

Carpenter’s world hasn’t been the same since he saw his father killed
and posthumously accused of treason. Now, his mom has been kidnapped
and Frankenstein - bolts in the neck and all - shows up to recruit him
to join DEPARTMENT 19. Jamie is willing to do whatever it takes to find
his mom… even if it means he must battle monsters to do so.
DEPARTMENT 19 is the first in a series aimed primarily at teenage boys.
The action is nonstop as Jamie faces vampires of the dark and creepy
kind (no sparkly vampires here!). Will Hill blends together the
mythology of DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN, while incorporating real life
individuals such as Bram Stoker. The result is an interesting mix and
one that will hopefully send teenagers to the classic novels to see how
all the pieces fit together.
Will Hill seamlessly shifts from one time period to another, as the
reader is drawn into the current storyline even as we learn about the
past. The back history adds the necessary depth to the tale. Readers
should note that DEPARTMENT 19 doesn’t shirk away from violence as the
vampires are amassing to perpetrate horrific evils. Some of the scenes
are nothing short of gruesome.
Jamie is the sort of hero that adolescent males will appreciate. Yes,
he learns how to fight and use his weapons far too easily to be
believable- but his impulsivity is pure teenager! What DEPARTMENT
19 lacks in realism, it makes up for in sheer entertainment. From the
very first page, DEPARTMENT 19 hooks the reader and doesn’t let go.
Publisher: Razorbill (April
Book Website
by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews