by Tessa Radley

Multi-layered romance exceeds debut
Tessa Radley's
romance far exceeds the debut label. Black
Widow Bride is a complete with passionate emotions, complex
multi-layered characters, an intriguing plot and a magnificent surprise
ending. The passion sparks between the two main characters with an
electricity on the edge of exploding. They hate each other! Tessa
Radley transforms that electricity into a depth and passion not just of
the bodies but of the soul, a love born from the past deep sadness
within her characters. The emotions are passionate, the betrayals deep
and the past histories complex. Tessa Radley creates rich characters
not often found in short romances by balancing the immediate emotion
with complex character histories. She reveals the past layer upon layer
as the plot develops, building the suspense through her characters.
The scenes between Rebecca and her son T.J. are some of the best kid
scenes I have read and so integrated into the plot. Radley creates a
portrait of a mother's deep love and a child's curiosity without any of
the sappy or overplayed sentimentality or cuteness I see too much
elsewhere, especially on television. Very nice indeed!
The ending was a nice surprise. I expected one thing --- it just had to
be that way ---- that is the typical formula... but I was wrong! Such a
nice and welcome complication!
Publisher: Silhouette
Desire (April 2007)