Book Reviews |

St. Anthony
plagued by demons, as imagined by Martin Schongauer, in the 1480s.
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
Armageddon Bound
by Tim Marquitz

and Lucifer have resolved their differences, leaving the angels and
demons at a loss for purpose. Some are advocating to start Armageddon
while others oppose it. Frank Trigg, a half-demon nephew of Lucifer,
isn’t looking to be a hero- he just wants to stay alive! Unfortunately,
his current work with DRAC (Demon Resistance and Containment) may make
living a real challenge. Can Trigg, along with a whole host of other
supernatural denizens, stop Armageddon from occurring?
Tim Marquitz does a marvelous job at world building! Some may find it
slightly heretical but the slant is an unusual one and quite
captivating. The vivid descriptions paint a picture of a bleak world
where the lines between good and evil have blurred with the loss of God
and Lucifer. What is left is an interesting mixture, where angels and
demons are fighting to find their way in a world bereft of their
respective leaders. Some of the political intrigues and schemes that
are par for the course in this dark world are beginning to emerge and
it will be interesting to see what twists and turns are in store for
the characters in future books.
Trigg is the ideal hero for a world such as this one. His snarky
attitude and lewd mind could have easily made him unlikable but instead
these qualities almost seem like endearing little quirks in the face of
his heroism. Trigg faces monsters that would terrify most of us and yet
he soldiers on, even when the odds seem totally unwinnable. In some
ways, he reminds me a bit of Harry Dresden, if Harry were a half-demon
that is!
ARMAGEDDON BOUND is an excellent start to the Demon Squad series! The
fast pace and non-stop action keep the reader on edge as the tension
quickly mounts. The characters are fascinating as I hope we see more of
Trigg, Scarlett, and the members of DRAC in the future. Bravo!
Publisher: Damnation Books (September 2009)
Other books in series:
Demon Squad Series
by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews