

Abby Aldrich
socialite and philanthropist

Saint Thomas Aquinas, ( ca. 1225 –
1274) Priest and an immensely influential philosopher and theologian
in the tradition of scholasticism

John Milton
From Merrimon Book Reviews

by Danielle Trussoni

Hard to put down, leaves a reader wanting
Evangeline, sister of
the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in New York state received a letter
from a scholar requesting access to the convent's archives.
Although she intends to follow instructions and refuse his request, she
herself checks and discovers a 1943 letter from Abigail Rockefeller to
the late mother superior Innocenta of Saint Rose Convent. Further
research reveals that all is not as it appears on the surface.
Throughout time, an epic conflict between the Society of Angelologists
and the Nephilim, the eeriely beautiful children of angels and humans,
rages and St. Rose Convent is a key bulwark in the fight against
evil. Will Evangeline be able to discover the mystery behind
Abigail Rockefeller's letters in enough time to save herself, the
convent and perhaps the world itself?
ANGELOLOGY is a fast-paced thriller, despite its length, laced with
hints of biblical lore, mythology (especially the Orpheus myth),
literature, secret codes, and history. Most fascinating is
Danielle Trussoni's ability to weave together epic and familial drama
in a thriller with spiritual and personal ramifications in the fight of
good against evil. The characters, especially Evangeline and the
Grigori family, drive the story forward and yet, at times, the most
intriguing glimpses feel more like teasers for more details and stories
to come, stories that do not come to fruition in this novel. As a
medieval enthusiast, this reader enjoyed discovering the imaginative
ways she drew upon medieval history, joining widely divergent figures
and historical periods in a framework that heightened the epic sense of
time. The ending has several delightful unexpected twists.
ANGELOLOGY is a very hard book to put down once started and yet it
leaves a reader wanting more. Also appreciated is the author's
drawing on historical references to angels and the distinctions made
between a simplistic modern feel-good fascination with angels and the
author's more dynamic depiction of angelology.
The emotional and poetic power of ANGELOLOGY centers around the
mysterious early histories of Evangeline's family and the Grigori
family. These both need more development, at the very least in
another book or two, for the narrative to have the full effect.
At moments, a reader feels emotionally drawn to the present day plight
the Nephilim. How much more effective would their chilling power
over the characters be if the author had developed them even more,
allowing the reader to know them more closely! Even at twice the
length, this reader would have remained glued to the pages.
Indeed, at twice the length, with more details and characterization,
this book would have been a book that haunts one's imagination for
years to come. Forgoing that, a prequel or two are a must.
Reviewed by Merrimon,
Merrimon Book Reviews
Review Courtesy of Amazon Vine
