Book Reviews |

John Dee and
Edward Kelley evoking a spirit

Le Vampire,
lithograph by R. de Moraine in Féval (1851–1852).
From Debbie Wiley Book Reviews
by Naomi Clark

Stoker despises vampires for preying on humans. Luckily, she is a
wraith and vampires and Revenants are the perfect food to keep her
healthy and alive. While haunting the graveyard to search for vampires,
she encounters a new creature, one that is attacking humans and
destroying them indiscriminately. The trail leads deep into the secrets
of the Pale World and the Lich Lords as everything Yasmin thought she
knew is about to be challenged.
Naomi Clarke keeps readers on the edge of their seats, wondering just
how all the threads will resolve in AFTERLIFE. The tale starts off with
a bang and never relents, as we see events unfolding from Yasmin’s
perspective. The twists and turns of the story keep the pace moving,
even as the boundaries and rules of the world are being explained. In
fact, some of the enjoyment comes from seeing Yasmin learn that there
are elements to her world of which she is unaware and the unveiling of
those secrets adds a nice touch.
AFTERLIFE is ripe for a sequel! Readers who want all their storylines
tied together in one neat bow at the conclusion of a book should note
that Naomi Clark leaves readers with as many questions as she does
answers. AFTERLIFE concludes with one heck of a big bang as some
fascinating revelations are divulged. My only complaint is that I want
to know more now! Excellent!
Publisher: Damnation Books (December 2009)
Other books in series:
by Debbie, Debbie Wiley Book Reviews